Our Priorities
The PPRTA Board of Directors and volunteers attend the Provincetown Select Board meetings and various other committee meetings to keep abreast of local government issues of importance to part-time property owners. Volunteers and board members also monitor local and regional print and media coverage to identify issues of interest to part-time property owners.
The PPRTA Board of Directors routinely surveys membership to gauge the relative importance of these matters to members. The PPRTA Board of Directors utilizes the data gathered from the aforementioned efforts to determine the organization’s priorities.
§ Meaningful Voice
The PPRTA strives to be an impactful voice within the community and supports the following:
o A charter change to allow part-timers to be full members of town committees,
o A charter change to allow part-timers to participate on the seven regulatory boards/committees (Conservation, Board of Health, Historic, Licensing, Planning, Water & Sewer, and Zoning Board of Appeals),
o A charter change to permit a PPRTA spokesperson to speak at Town Meetings.
o Regional efforts by neighboring part-timer associations to improve the quality of life of outer cape communities.
§ Healthcare
For Provincetown’s aging population and to sustain a more viable year-round community, access to healthcare is of paramount importance, with PPRTA supporting the following:
o Creation and/or funding of full and part-time EMS positions,
o Funding for a new EMS facility and upgrade of the existing fire station,
o Annual funding to Outer Cape Health Services to improve timely access to primary care appointments,
o Expansion of mental health initiatives,
o Pursuit of regionalization opportunities to economize where possible.
§ Fiscal prudence in operating and capital budgets
Representing its tax-paying members who contribute more than 80% of the Town’s property tax revenue, PPRTA is committed to the following:
o Monitoring the Town’s operating and capital budgets,
o Monitoring Finance Committee Meetings and, where appropriate, speaking on relevant topics,
o Securing a seat on the Finance Committee,
o Supporting regionalization opportunities to economize where possible.
§ Resiliency/Sustainability
A resilient and sustainable community is achieved through many initiatives, including those addressing climate change. PPRTA supports the Town’s efforts with an emphasis on the following:
o Completion of a townwide sewer system,
o Protecting and, where appropriate, expanding the water supply,
o Undergrounding utilities to protect against disruption from storms and other impacts,
o Expanding broadband,
o Supporting appropriate housing initiatives,
o Supporting regionalization opportunities to economize where possible.

Make Your Voice Heard
1. Attend local town meetings and make your voice heard. Traditionally, part-time residents have virtually no voice at town meetings.
2. Join the PPRTA. Every member counts.
3. Tell your part-time resident neighbors and friends to join.
4. Educate your full-time neighbors on why this unfair Residential Tax Exemption policy must change. Explain that part-time residents seek to vote on budget-related matters.
5. Follow PPRTA on Facebook and share our page with your friends.
6. Consider joining our Board or volunteering with our organization to help mobilize support.